VPS with BGP support

Only "ready to go" providers are listed.

  • no pay 12 month in advance crap
  • no rent/buy at least some kind of ultra VPS package
  • no "contact us" before buying
  • no setup fee or monthly fee for BGP
  • BGP support stated clearly on their website
Name Price Location Link
Karabro starts at 50SEK Sweden https://karabro.se/en/cloudvps
Heficed starts at $5 US, BR, DE, IT, GB, NG, ZA https://www.heficed.com/cloud-hosting/
Netnik Hosting starts at 12€


HaloCloud starts $4,50 JP, SGP, HK, US https://my.halocloud.net/index.php?rp=/store/london-uk-bgp-lite
No Ack Hosting starts at 250SEK Sweden https://noackhosting.se/cart/15-vps/
Zappie Host starts at 6$ ZA https://zappiehost.com/new-zealand-premium-kvm-vps-servers
Terrahost starts at $9,99 NO, US, NL https://terrahost.com/virtual-servers
BuyVM starts at $3,50 LU, US https://my.frantech.ca/
Virtua.Cloud starts at 3€ FR https://www.virtua.cloud/de/vps-cloud-server
Servperso starts at 10€ DE, NL https://www.servperso.net/bgp-vm
Vultr starts at 5€ GB, US, IN, SK, AU, SA, NL, FR, MX, BR, SWE, DE... https://my.vultr.com/
iFog starts at 3,50CHF US, DE, SGP, CA, NL, NO, ESP, AU, GB, CH https://ifog.ch/de/vps
Limewave starts at $3,25 Seattle, US https://limewave.net/
Get Servers starts at
UK https://getservers.co.uk/vps.html
Cloudie starts at $5 US, CA https://my.cloudie.sh/index.php?rp=/store/fremix-internet-exchange-offers
F4 starts at $6 US https://store.f4.network/index.php/order/main/packages/vps/?group_id=17

This is a unsorted list. Last update 10/03/2023